Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Alfa Romeo 2012

Last June 24, 2010, Alfa Romeo celebrated its 100th year, having been founded way back in 1910 by Italian aristocrat Cavaliere Ugo Stella, a man who decided that he wanted to create both road and race cars that suited his style and vision of what cars should be like. With that dream in mind, Cavaliere set out to found this car company, and quickly began to take the automotive world by storm. His early racing cars quickly became successful, winning many championship races through the skills of famous drivers like Giuseppe Campari and Enzo Ferrari.

His successes, while quick, were unfortunately halted due to the onset of the 2nd World War. During the war, Alfa Romeo's main factory was bombed and destroyed, bringing the company to financial ruin, threatening the company's existence. They adapted, however, resorting to creating smaller road cars that would be reliable, high performance, still stylish, and relatively affordable. This new direction gave Alfa a chance to shine, quickly becoming popular in the European market. Despite this, however, Romeo would not be a truly global name, until the arrival of one Hollywood movie.

"The Graduate" is a classic film starring Dustin Hoffman, and is known the world over due to its story and ground breaking plot. And it is in this movie that Romeo would be seen by the whole of the world, through the Spider. The Spider is a beautiful car, and its various incarnations have become successful during their runs. It is so successful that there's a new one slated to be unveiled in 2013, much to the delight of many Romeo fans.